
1. Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He__the other answer.
a) is knowing b) knows c) know

2. She __ to purchase a new computer.
a) is wanting b) want c) wants

3. I __ that this quiz is easy.
a) am hoping b) hope c) is hoping

4. She is always __ about how much She hates her job
a) complains b) complain c) complaining

5. I hate him because he __ rude about people behind their backs.
a) is always being b) has always
c) always

Te rog sa explici și de ce(condiția pe care trebuia sa iti dai seama de PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINOUS la propoziția respectiva) ​

Răspuns :


Present Simple or Present Continuous



1. Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He knows the other answer.

  • a) is knowing
  • b) knows
  • c) know

* Folosim Present Simple pentru verbs of perception (verbe care indică percepția)

* Alte verbe de percepție: believe, understand, realise, forget, remember, think, see.

2. She wants to purchase a new computer.

  • a) is wanting
  • b) want
  • c) wants

* Folosim Present Simple pentru state verbs (verbe care indică starea)

* Alte verbe de stare: include, belong, need, matter, mean, have, be, contain

3. I am hoping that this quiz is easy.

  • a) am hoping
  • b) hope
  • c) is hoping

* Folosim Present Continuous pentru acțiuni temporare care se petrec în momentul vorbirii.

4. She is always complaining about how much she hates her job.

  • a) complains
  • b) complain
  • c) complaining

* Folosim Present Continuous cu adverbe precum always, continuously, constantly pentru acțiuni repetate care exprimă supărarea, iritarea sau nervozitatea.

5. I hate him because he is always being rude about people behind their backs.

  • a) is always being
  • b) has always
  • c) always

* Folosim Present Continuous cu adverbe precum always, continuously, constantly pentru acțiuni repetate care exprimă supărarea, iritarea sau nervozitatea.


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