Read the text and watch the video. Talk to your partner about what is different in the two countries.

The different between UK Christmas and Romania Christmas is that in the UK they celebrate boxing day on 26th December and Christmas day on 25th December is more important for them that Christmas eve, while in Romania Christmas eve is very important ,in Romania they walk from house to house
singing carols on Christmas eve, they receive nuts, apples and sometimes money . In the UK many people decorate their house and put up Christmas trees, several days before Christmas- sometimes even at the begging of December! In Romania the family members decorate the Christmas tree in Christmas eve or even earlier! They are making traditional food such as ``sarmale`` , ``piftie`` , ``cozonac``. On Christmas day children open their present that Santa Claus leaves under the Christmas Tree. In the UK , on Christmas day many people go to the church. After that, families have Christmas lunch together. They eat roast turkey with vegetables, then a kind of hot fruit cake called Christmas pudding.