
Funny superstitions 5 exemple …vrg repede !!

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Daca te mananca palma dreapta, dai bani. Daca te mananca palma stanga inseamna ca primesti bani.

If your right palm eats you, give money. If your left palm eats you, it means you receive money.

Daca versi sare sau piper pe masa vei avea parte de o mare cearta!

If you pour salt or pepper on the table you will have a big quarrel!

Nu spuneti niciodata unui pescar „noroc!”, Deoarece acest lucru va insemna „ghinion”.

Never say "lucky" to a fisherman, because that will mean "bad luck".

Daca ploua la nunta ta, inseamna ca vei avea o casnicie fericita.

If it rains at your wedding, it means you will have a happy marriage.

Cand coaseti o carpa in timp ce o purtati, trebuie sa pastrati o bucata mica de fir in gura, altfel va veti coase mintea.

When sewing a cloth while wearing it, you should keep a small piece of thread in your mouth, otherwise you will sew your mind.
