4. Read the text and put the paragraphs in the right order. Then, underline the correct
time words.
A. 1) When/As he got there, he looked for a perfect spot. 2) Before / When he even sat on his fishing
stool he heard someone screaming for help. The noise was coming from up the river. 3) Then/When
he looked again, he saw a boy in the middle of the stream. He was struggling to stay above the water.
They felt really relieved 4) as soon as/before the boy was finally safe on the river bank. Andrew was
exhausted but happy that he was there to save the boy's life. 5) After all/Before, going fishing proved
to be an experience of a lifetime!
c. O
It was around midday. The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. Andrew thought it was a
perfect day to go fishing. 6) First/Then he took his fishing rod. 7) After that/ When he looked for his
jar of fish food. He took his fishing stool, too and went to the river.
D. The next thing he knew, Andrew was in the water. The river was not deep, but the strong current was
pulling him underwater. 8) Suddenly / When he felt a root near him. He seized it with one hand and
stretched the other trying to grab the boy's arm. 9) When/Then he finally succeeded, they held on to
each other and swam back to the bank 10) Then/After they got on solid ground again, they kept silent